
Samstag, 27. August 2005

professional blog consultant and workshops

+ recht gute tips für verschiedene Einsatzszenarien
+ interessante audio presentations zu "social software and open source for education"

Dienstag, 12. April 2005

Auch Microsoft bietet RSS Feeds an - IE Community

___ SUMMARY ______________________________
+ interessant, wie MS den RSS feed organisiert
+ sehr gute Info über RSS Möglichkeit
+ Using the RSS Feeds for the Internet Explorer Community
Published: November 18, 2004

If you'd like to keep track of new updates to content and headlines on the Internet Explorer Community Web site, you can now subscribe to RSS feeds right from the Internet Explorer Community Homepage.

By subscribing to a Really Simple Syndication (RSS) feed from the Internet Explorer Community, advanced users can have new headlines, article previews, knowledge base articles, and downloads delivered in an RSS reader or aggregator. RSS gives you the convenience of subscribing to feeds from several sources. These headlines are then automatically collected from all the sources into one list. You can quickly browse the list of new content without visiting each site to search for new info of interest.

Choose an Aggregator
There are many RSS readers or aggregators listed on the Web. A quick search on MSN for RSS Aggregator will quickly lead to a list of popular options. Some are programs that you can download and install on your computer. Others are Web-based interfaces that you use online.

Subscribe to Feeds
This is the image for the RSS feed. Simply click on any RSS image on the Internet Explorer Community Homepage and copy and paste the link into the appropriate section of your RSS aggregator. You'll start receiving new updates from the Internet Explorer Community on a regular basis. Because different aggregators require different steps for adding a new feed, you should follow the instructions for the aggregator that you use.

Read the Internet Explorer Community
The RSS feeds from the Internet Explorer Community contain the headlines and previews for all new columns, downloads, and knowledge base articles. At this time, the RSS feeds do not include changes to the top newsgroups or top discussions listings. If you find some community content of interest, you can visit our Web site to read it and discuss it with other Internet Explorer enthusiasts in the Microsoft public newsgroups.

Dienstag, 22. Februar 2005

Link: Einsatzmöglichkeiten von Weblogs an Universitäten
+ Martin Röll, White Paper. Entstanden aus einer Konzeptionsarbeit für die Knallgrau New Media Solutions GmbH (Wien) im Projekt "Weblogs an der TU Wien" (
Fassung 1.0 vom 14. Oktober 2004

Blog Tool - Vergleich
+ ausgezeichnete Gegenüberstellung

Link RSS-Verzeichnis
+ umfangreiche Infos zu RSS, Weblog

Sonntag, 20. Februar 2005

Dreamweaver RSS reader & writer für Homepage

__ Summary _____________________________________________
+ Dreamweaver Extension for Dynamic Websites
+ meine Meinung: RSS Technologie schreibt Kapitel "Datenflut bewältigen" total neu ________________________________________________________

"Ever wanted to syndicate web content fast and easily? MX RSS Reader-Writer is a 2 in 1 solution. First of all, it allows you to import RSS (Really Simple Syndication) files and integrate them in your website design and secondly it allows you to export database information into RSS format. This way you will be able to increase the traffic on your site by gathering and distributing your news in a wisely manner. "

How To Speed-Read the Net

+ Sehr guter Artikel zum Generalthema "Datenflut bewältigen"



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